[Page 85] But soon left it for Safty, Lay By in the Sound. Capt. Roe went on Shore Several times. Landed aBout Twelve o Clock at Night, marcht a mile or two, Divided the party, Leaving a guard on Board. I marcht to Corum with fife men. The Capt. took the Rest. Got Breckfast at Brother Smith & took his team. Saturday Sept 21. This morning Begun to Load and while we were Loading Three or four guns was fired. The Guard Commanded the man to Stop, he was Shot at after he had past Capt. Roe's house. The man was Richard Miller, Whareof he Died Next morning. Saturday Night I Left my family at midnight for my Safty, lodged the rest of the night in a Barn. Sunday, Sept. 22nd. Rose Early next morning, Retired mySelf in the woods. I thought my Lot was hard, being Depriv'd of Human Sosiety & especially my poor family. But God Supported me under my Trials. My wife & some of my friends visited me that Day and brought Some victuals. The Day wore away, took Leave of my wife and Some Friends at Night, left the place.