[Page 83] We left this port aBout Ten o Clock the wind Being ahead Tackt through the Sound that night. Wednesday, September 11th. Made Sabrook Harbour about Twelve o Clock, marcht up to Camp. Thursday September 12th. Nothing Remarkabel. Fryday September 13. Took Charge of the guard of Eighteen men after the Ajetent had poraded them. Saturday, 14th. Nothing of Nues Special toDay. This Eving John Ruland of Captain Griffings Company was heard to Dam the Congress and Swore it was Better times under ye King and vented himself against ye Cause in many hard Expressions for which he was Confined. Sonday, September 15th. Orders to Strike tents and Doe up our Baggage in order to Imbark. All the Companys marcht to the waterside. Capt. Davis' Company & 32 men out of our Company Being 100 men Officers Excluded, Imbarkt on Board for Long Island, the Rest of the men Staid at Sabrook. A Regimental Court martial was held to Try John Ruland of Captain Griffings Company, Found gilty of a