INDEX AMERICAN Painting, grant from the Carnegie Corporation for lectures and monographs on, 46; graduate course in, 46, 126; "John Wesley Jarvis" by H. E. Dickson, 47-64. American Portraits, lectures by William Sawitzky on, 26, 33, 43, 46, 126; catalogue of, 32. BARCK, O. T., "William Louis Calver," 75-76. Blair, J. Insley, Memorial Collection, 89-93, 127. Blizzard of 1888, anniversary, 44; exhibition, 94. Book finishing, by George A. Zabriskie, 71-74. CALVER, William Louis, account of, 75-76; photograph of, 75- Carnegie Corporation of New York, grant from, 46. Carraway, Gertrude S., and Fiske Kimball, "Tryon's Palace," 13-22. Cathedral of St. John the Divine, photographs of, 98, 127. "Cleopatra's Needle," by George A. Zabriskie, 103-12; pictures of, 106, 109, 111. Concerts, 12, 43, 87; organ music, 33, 128. DlCKSON, H. E., "John Wesley Jarvis, Knickerbocker Painter," 47-64. Dolis and Toys, exhibition, 45, 93. Donors: Adriance, H. Benson, 95. Adriance, Dr. Vanderpoel, 27, 128. Applegate, Dr. Harold Riker, 92. Banks, James Lenox, 27, 128. Banks, Lenox, 128. Beach, Mrs. Theodore, 93. Benson, Arthur D., 27. Blair, Mrs. J. Insley, 89-93, 129- Bloodgood, William, 27, 94. Boyd, James, 129. Brown, Miss Mary Clinton, 65, 94. 95- Brownson, Edward S., Jr., 129. Butler, Dudley, 129. Carney, Dr. Sydney H., Jr., 94, 95- Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 98, 127. Cleveland, Hayward, 95. Cloutier, Miss Camille, 95. Conway, Miss Gertrude, 129. Cornell, Mrs. Helen Ten Broek Storms, 95. Cox, Wilmot T., 27. Curtis, Morris, 27, 129. Darlington, Dr. Thomas, 96. de Groot, Miss Adelaide Milton, 65, 94. de Peyster, Miss Augusta Morris, 93- Devereux, John Archibald, 27, 94- Devereux, Walter Evans, 27, 94. Dielman, Mrs. Marion L., 27-28, 94- Dunham Mrs. Carroll, .96. Dunsmore, John Ward, 96. Eames, Wilberforce, Bequest of, 129. Ellis, Mrs. Augustus Van Home, 28, 49, 65, 94, 129. Forbes, Mrs. Howell, 65. Grant, De Forest, 129. Green, Norvin H., 65-66, 96, 129. Hand, Mrs. King, 93. Hardy, Mrs. Charles J., 28. Hervey, Mrs. Antoinette B., 98, 127. Hoffman, Samuel V., 28, 93, 94. Hosmer, Mrs. Estelle de Peyster, 129-30. Irwin, Mrs. John V., 66. La Guardia, Hon. Fiorello H., 96. Landauer, Mrs. Bella C, 28. Leonard, Miss Martia, 66. McGuire, Miss Mary Madison, 28, 29. McKesson, Mrs. Irving, 96. Macomb, Miss Nannie R., 130. Mansfield, Mrs. Richard, 96. Martin, Mrs. Justine de Peyster, gift in memory of, 129-30. Minton, Mrs. David M., 130. Mitchell, Cornelius von Erden, 96.