The New-York Historical Society Mrs. Estelle de Peyster Hosmer, in memory of her sister, Mrs. Justine de Peyster Martin. Pastel portraits of Major and Mrs. Leonard Bleecker, probably by James Sharpies; a miniature of Major Bleecker; and a silver tea set and caddy, made in England, late 18th century, which belonged to Major Bleecker. Bequest of Elizabeth B. Knight. A purple velvet afternoon gown, American, c. i87g, and an Alice-blue velvet evening gown, with rhinestone trimming, made by Worth of Paris, c.igo2. Gift of Miss Nannie R. Macomb. A white satin wedding gown, with lace and seed pearl trimming, made by Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn, in i8g7. Gift of Mrs. David M. Minton. A baby chemise trimmed with lace and embroidery, c.1858, which belonged to Eliza Jane Arkenburgh, and a black lace jabot which belonged to James Hilton Arkenburgh. Gift of Mrs. Lewis Bassett Moore. Model of a colonial Dutch farmhouse, c. 1700, made by Mr. F. E. Ogden, Sr., and relics of Captain G. F. Lyon, of the "Hecla" and "Fury" expedition in search of the northwest passage. Gift of Mr. F. E. Ogden, Sr. One hundred and sixty-four numbers of 1 gth century American newspapers, including issues from Connecticut and several mid-western towns. Gift of Mr. D. K. Rothstein, through the courtesy of Mr. E. Berry. A large and comprehensive collection of the correspondence, diaries, newspaper clippings, programs, photographs, and memorabilia of Emma Thursby (1845-^31). Gift of her sister, Miss Ina Thursby. A music box, labeled "Chautauqua Roller Organ" which was patented in 1887, with ten rolls of contemporary music. Gift of Mr. George A. Zabriskie. 130