The New-York Historical Society Benda, Major Anuskiewicz, Mr. George A. Zabriskie, and Mr. Alexander J. Wall have consented to be patrons for the occasion. Dr. George C. D. Odell will speak on "The Stage Life of Modjeska and her Contemporaries." There will be, at that time, a special exhibition relating to Madame Modjeska. The Life of Emma Thursby (1845-1931), by Richard M. Gipson, will be published during October, with the Society's imprint on the title page. Notices of publication and price of volume will be available later. The volume contains 77 illustrations and 468 pages, and includes a complete chronology of Miss Thursby's concerts in the United States and abroad. The biography is based on the singer's diaries, correspondence, programs, and newspaper clippings, presented to the Society by her sister, Miss Ina Thursby. Beginning November 3rd, the organ will be played in the Auditorium every Sunday afternoon from three-fifteen. DONATIONS DURING the past summer, the Society's Library, Museum, and Art Galleries have been enriched by a number of gifts, some of which are as follows: A collection of over five hundred manuscripts, 1660-1800, relating to Harlem and to Harlem families, including four deeds signed by Peter Stuyvesant. Gift of Dr. Vanderpoel Adriance. A telescope made by Spencer, Browning & Rust, London, which was used on his voyages by William Banks (1782-1848). Gift of his grandson, Mr. James Lenox Banks. A sextant made by W. Hooker, New York, which belonged to William Banks (i7g2-i848). Gift of Mr. Lenox Banks. Sixty-five Sandwich glass cup plates, added to the Blair — 128 —