Quarterly Bulletin de Peyster Publication Fund Series that the 70th and 71st volumes in that series are now ready for distribution. These comprise the first two volumes of Letters from John Pintard to His Daughter, Eliza Noel Pintard Davidson, and cover the years 1816 through 1827. The opening special exhibition for the fall season is a timely one relating to "Presidential Campaigns—George Washington to William McKinley, i78g-igoo." The campaigns are represented by original posters, broadsides, silk badges, souvenirs, and slogans of the period, brought together from the library and museum departments of the Society. Original oil portraits of many of the presidents, painted from life, are shown. The exhibition will be on public view through November 10th. The J. Insley Blair Memorial Collection of English Staffordshire pottery depicting American scenes of the early 1 gth century is now displayed in a gallery on the third floor, north wing. Also included are plates and platters of the famous "Arms of States" series, showing the arms of twelve of the original thirteen colonies. Over two hundred photographs have been placed on exhibition in the east corridor on the third floor, picturing the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, i8g4-ig38, and showing the progress of its construction on Morningside Heights, as the Cathedral rose, stone by stone. These photographs were selected from the very large collection of negatives and photographs made by Mrs. Antoinette B. Hervey, which she recently presented to the Society, and from her prints of the Bishop Potter Collection of earlier negatives, given to the Society by the Cathedral. On Sunday afternoon, October 27 th, a memorial meeting commemorating the 100th anniversary of Madame Helena Modjeska's birth will be held by the Modjeska Club of New York City in the Society's Auditorium. Dr. Sylvester Gruszka, Consul General of Poland, Baron Stefan De Ropp, Mr. W. T. — 127 —