Quarterly Bulletin FIRST MESSAGE GOV. JAMES W. NYE •wnurnw 7» rn« Cttiril art gjottt of «tprtsfitrtnifs NEVADA TERRITORY, ticrow.R 1.IMI- UEWI8 1 RWUU LEOISI.ATIVK PRINTERS. "BlI.TRa A0K ' (IfrtCB, CARKOX OIT,X.T, ' 1361. sage it contains) to Edwin D. Morgan, Governor of the State of New York, and its title page is reproduced above. It will be noted that not only is the place of publication plainly stated, but the printers' names as well as the newspaper office are also given. Both copies have yellow paper covers. No Carson City imprint for i860 has been located, and Lewis & Sewall (according to Mr. McMurtrie) sold their plant there in 1862. Unless they were the printers of those two titles which appeared without place of publication or printer's name in or after November, 1861, this First Message of Governor Nye is possibly the only known specimen from their press, besides their Silver Age. Oscar Wegelin 125