MEMBERSHIP Membership requires the nomination and recommendation of a member. Members, on their election, pay an initiation fee of Twenty Dollars, which includes dues for the current year; and annually thereafter Ten Dollars as dues; or a life-membership fee of One Hundred Dollars, in lieu of all other dues and fees. The contribution of Five Thousand Dollars to the funds of the Society shall entitle the donor to be elected a Patron of the Society in perpetuity. The contribution of One Thousand Dollars shall entitle the donor to be elected a Fellow for life. While the Society is freely enjoyed by the public, it has always been maintained without public funds, endowments constituting its main support. Additional funds are earnestly solicited in order that the usefulness of its collections may be augmented and many plans realized in the service it can render the public. «£ FORM OF A BEQUEST I give and bequeath to "The New-York Historical Society," founded in the year 1804, and incorporated by the Legislature of New York in the year 1809, the sum of dollars.