- Two-page statement of values and expenses relating to fifty slaves belonging to William Browne [possibly William Browne, Jr., of Four Mile Tree Plantation near Jamestown, Virginia] between the years 1809 and 1813. Includes slave's names, ages, parentage, and additional remarks., New-York Historical Society
- Four-page inventory of Homer Virgil Milton [probably of Jefferson County, Georgia]. Includes names and estimated value of aprroximately 32 slaves, among other household goods. Signed on last page by appraisers Samuel Clements, Robert Lowry, Tom Rim [?], and "Mark T." Made official and signed by Sherrod Arrington., New-York Historical Society
- Four-page inventory of Bartholomew Gartman of Jefferson County, Georgia, regarding his estate at the time of his death. Identifies two slaves, "1 Negro man named Limbrick [?]; 1 Negro girl nam'd Peggy," among livestock and household goods. Signed on last page by administrators of the estate, Solomon Hood, Charly Higdon, and Shomake Holden. Made official and signed by Jas. [James] Bozeman., New-York Historical Society
- Two-page evaluation of the estate of Francis M. Hunt, prepared by appointed commissioners to determine the value and interest of his property, including "a Negro slave named Willis worth $1,000." Signed by commissioners N. G. Tevis, Roy Stewart, and John S. Murphy. Note on back reads, "N. B. Collin, Guardian on Petition.", New-York Historical Society
- Three-page inventory of the estate of David Tinsley of Caroline County [Virginia]. Identifies four slaves, "Jemmy a Negro fellow, Tom a Negro fellow, Plato a Negro boy, Tamer a Negro girl" along with household goods and livestock. Signed by executors Mary Tinsley, Ja. [James] Jameson, Thos. [Thomas] Daniel, Thos. [Thomas] Sale. Made official and signed by Benjamin Robinson of the Caroline County Court on March 8, 1759., New-York Historical Society
- List of "fifteen men, tweny-five women, sixteen boys, and eleven girls, in all 67" slaves belonging to Mr. Edw'd [Edward] Ambler in Hanover and Louisa County [Virginia]. Includes names and ages of each slave. On back, later additions to document dated May 31, 1765 and "this year 1766" list items purchased for "Negroes to be clothed.", New-York Historical Society
- Two-page appraisement of slaves owned by John Linder, Junior, to be submitted "as a payment of a debt" to John Joyce of Mobeal [Mobile, Alabama]. List of 12 slaves, including name, age, relationship, and value. Signed by assessors Cornelius McCurtin, Samuel Mimes [Mims], and Adam Hollinger., New-York Historical Society