(Continuation) Chester to Bethlehem. No 69-7th / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants.
In pencil on recto: "No 69 7th". Military topographic map. Covers the townships of Frelinghuysen and Hope in Warren County- New Jersey. Shows roads running through Hope. Also shows buildings and owners' names- landforms and streams. Pen-and-ink- pencil on laid paper. Shows relief by hachures. Stained- creased and abraded. Mounted on cloth- bound and cropped- disbound and silked by subsequent owners. Cleaned after removal of backings 1999; some fill remains. Sheathed in mylar. Title proper on recto is the work of a later editor--Simeon DeWitt or his assign--subsequent to 1820.
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